Gesus no not another book...
Every day for the since like early February last year the ritual on every morning has been to get up and fist this hop on the scale to check the weight.. I was wanting to lose weight from bout the start of last year and had a goal in mind..I weighed around 209 pounds at the very beginning of this.. and by Memorial weekend was down to 170 pounds and as with most people who lose weight gaining it back is what usually happens and I was no exception and would "roller coaster" the weight although not that much, the most I would weigh was 180 around my birthday last year owing to a pizza binge I went on.. Lost that weight by the end of the year and was at 170 through all of this year.. Then mom died... And I did eat wrong for a few weeks as a way of mourning I suppose although I was eating wrong before she died.. Then two weeks ago I had a gallbladder attack which really set me back.. I had been eating the wrong foods for enough time that it caught up with me.. and two weeks ago as of today I had that attack and I hadn't ate anything I hadn't eaten before, it was just time for it to hit lucky me.. And I ended up in the ER for a few hours of fun while they poked and proded me to determine yep, that things gotta go.. As soon as the pain subsided I was better, but yeah lets get that thing outta there.. I'm not a big fan of doctors and really don't want to have surgery if I can keep from it, the only surgery I have ever had prior to this was my tonsils and that was when I was very young and had no say in the matter.. Long story short I decided not to have the surgery, against all the better judgment of the staff in that ER and trust me they saw me doing some serious squirming in the couple hours I was there.. That sumbich hurt.. They released me to my little brothers house with the assumption that if I had another attack I was just literally a stones throw away from the SRMC parking lot.. Fast forward to today as I hop on th scale and see the results of the new as low of fat as you can consume diet I am now at 159 pounds and really feel the best I have in years.. The first week was rough as you lose those urges to eat shit that really no one should.. I have curbed my diet so much so but really have more energy than I though possible while eating what I would say is not even half the food I used to.. It is really strange.. I mean the first time I went on a diet it was hard to give up sweets and by sweets to me was like Oreos although mom made sure we had a fresh package there all the time.. Mom likely would hate the way I am right now.. I miss her because she would have likely come up with something to eat..I have had to buy meals ready to eat with low fat content which is extremely hard to do in a society tht loves huge portions and super sized meals as a starting point to eat regularly.. I am actually glad most peaople eat that way.. It likely keeps the price of healthy foods low.. Cans of soup, read the labels, and frozen meals.. I went from the start of this excursion eating saltine crackers litterally to not much else and the phrase is ____ good for gallstones was in my search for the first week and still is something I use as switching my diet means changing all the food I eat.. all of it.. And changing attitude as well and really I though everything was good to go but as I said back in as early as late July of this year I was eating wrong, maybe even earlier than that, It just seems like I was eating wrong and still being alright..
When I was in the hospital they did MRI or whatever that test was and saw that I had gallstones, and that was the effect of the pain I was in.. They said they had done this before last year when I was in for my high blood pressure situation and that they told me about it..It old them this was the first I was hearing about it and trust me if they would have told me what might happen if I consumed large quantities of fat I would have perked right up I don't think I am a wuss when it comes to pain but that Sunday was right up there on the pain meter.. I hate stomach pain and as Iwas going to the ER that day all I could think of was my mom when I took her in for her what ended up being intestinal twisting, and she was so close to hers bursting.. how much pain that had to have been in and she never acted like it was hurting that much.. she wasn't breathing any different because I would have thought she would be doing like lamas breathing like giving birth type of thing.. Mom was tougher than even I thought when I was going to the ER for what might seem more like a hangnail than anything serious.. But they asked if I knew about the images from last year I had told them no.. Why would they, I was in for BP issues and this seemed unrelated.. Why they had taken me in for the images was that I think they thought there was something else, they couldn't get my BP to regulate the way they anted it to.. They did get control of that but I don't recall ever hearing them say anything about what the images showed, in fact up until then I had never seen those images at all.. well they showed me them and there were stones in there, bothe last year and now and that has just got to come out.. I ask is there anything that could be done without surgery me knowing surgery wouldn't be much fun at all and as well is there any way to avoid surgery?? Doctors have really only got one thing on their minds and really getting people healthy isn't as high on their list as you might think.. Keeping people kinda in a state of relying on having to come to them regular is..I know when I first went and saw the heart specialist when this all started on my BP that I felt like I was going almost weekly and hated that feeling because I felt like heres my dad all over again when he had heart issues.. And he would go see this guy and be there for hours and here I am going to this guy and I am in there for three hours minimum because he doesn't care about appointments times.. HE loses three hors as soon as he comes in the office.. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?? The images show gallstones so what can be done about them?? YANK THAT PUPPY OUT OF THERE.. No but what can be done to not do that?? You ask a doctor that and they seem so perplexed that you would even think of such a thing.. you want to keep that disease riddled thing?? yeah I really don't want it out right then.. This was Sunday, had it been any other day the surgeon might have been about to wrap up his day but would likely have done this procedure to pay for a few more rounds of golf.. Had this been any other day my gall bladder would be sitting at the bottom of a trash heap in the town there.. In fact my older brother had said get ready I bet they hold you over night and sure enough they were preparing to do just that.. But I am and hve a certain amount of stubborness inherited from a mom who was kind of the same way although she had medicaid and insurance to help guide her with what to do.. I wanted to get home to the computer and start he process of googling my way to health.. And That is what would happen. Getting out of the hospital and headed to my little brothers house..HE has had his Gallbladder out, and so had my older brother, and our dad as well so it seems inevitable that mine will be in a trash heep sometime soon but let me look at the ideas about how to eat my way to health.. It is a rough go of it.. Switching from a nearly 100% junk food diet, actually I was eating healthier than I thought as I looked at the food for fat content and it really wasn't the toast that I ate that morning that caused my issue.. It was just the right combination on that day..Like I said had this been any other day of the week they likely would have taken my gall bladder out and I would be talking about another et of problems right about now..
LEt's examine the gall bladder removal surgery AKA the lets just yank that puppy right out..Turns out with research from MR. or DR. Google depending on how you want to address it, that having your gallbladder taken out while a very easy procedure can result in a whole new set of problems including the inability to eat what got the damn thing taken out in the first place.. Although they don't mention this in the pitch to yank it out there are side effects to having it be removed of which as I look at both of my brothers gaining weight seems to be something you have to do..I had heard that on some videos the bile that is produced by the liver and which the gallbladder stores and eventually uses has to still go somewhere, that flow doesn't stop ever, and it is rerouted into the small intestine so it is constantly there, and can burn or cause a burning sensation therein and the best thing to do is to keep eating.. Don't stop eating..My older brother is a diabetic and my little brother could easily be on his way as well being fairly overweight right now.. Is that a cause of having the gallbladder removed?? no, or maybe not.. Having t to eat quite a bit to keep that burning sensation from occurring might be have no idea and I really think doctors do know but don't tell.. They want you to be comfortable right now, they really aren't in the business of making people take care of themselves to health they are wanting you to be dependant on them to help you.. I don't want that.. I wished I could have seen the nuticianist for this.. Highly unlikely they even have someone who would rather you eat your way to health.. but I get on Google and search for foods to eat to stop gallbladder attacks and soon figure out what those are and as I said I feel so much better and hopefully things will remain this way..
Sometimes I think that the worst Thing that Americans have is the wealth that we do.. Except for me, I have no health insurance and that was a HUGE point to make my mind up on the surgery.. The pain from the surgery didn't bother me.. The after effects the diareha wasn't what bothered me..It was that $22.000 price tag was what I was really looking at.. twenty two thousand green backs.. But listen it was only going to cost six hundred dollars a month.. sure... Everyone has that floating around.. money is motivator in all things in this country... If I was in Canada it might cost cost but nickles on the dollar and Europe it might be pennies on the dollar.. They gave me antibiotics that turn your shit orange.. And still five days after stopping them I still shit orange.. Guess that's still good.. I don't know.. Will I ever have my gallbladder out?? My goal is to the day I die and they cremate me I still have everything I was born with.. I mean what i have left..
The moral of the story?? well I guess mourning eating isn't a good thing.. I was watching my weight even while I wasn't eating very well.. I never weighed more than 175 and never less than 167.. What I really have learned is to look at the labels big time.. I spent a good chunk of my day recently looking at the labels of not only the foods at the store but here at the house..I think 95% of the food I had before this all started could all be flushed.. I can't have whole milk but was already converting over to low fat anyway.. finding foods I can eat has been a challenge what with living in a town that isn't very big on healthy eating to start with.. I looked at the Subway menu and there are like five items I can eat and only two are sandwiches.. I got one and it was such a pleasant surprise from eating what I make.. And then there is the temptation to eat something on the no non list.. I bought a little container of Oreo cookies.. I had read where a woman was trying to live with her gallbladder the way it was and what she ate.. she lost a lot of weight and was able to eat a Oreo cookie a day... I was thinking was this a full sized cookie or the thins or double stuff.. She eventually succumbed to having her gallbladder out but it turns out that wasn't her worst issue, she had many other issues healthwise but having her gall bladder out actually made things worse for her over time... So i will try to adhere to the new diet as best I can and expand as I feel like I can do.. By the way after eating yesterday I ate one of those little Oreo cookies from that cup of mini oreos.. It wasn't much and I chased it with a big glass of water.. I didn't feel any after effects.. I faught the law and the law won.. But in this case I pushed my luck and so far.............
When I was in the hospital they did MRI or whatever that test was and saw that I had gallstones, and that was the effect of the pain I was in.. They said they had done this before last year when I was in for my high blood pressure situation and that they told me about it..It old them this was the first I was hearing about it and trust me if they would have told me what might happen if I consumed large quantities of fat I would have perked right up I don't think I am a wuss when it comes to pain but that Sunday was right up there on the pain meter.. I hate stomach pain and as Iwas going to the ER that day all I could think of was my mom when I took her in for her what ended up being intestinal twisting, and she was so close to hers bursting.. how much pain that had to have been in and she never acted like it was hurting that much.. she wasn't breathing any different because I would have thought she would be doing like lamas breathing like giving birth type of thing.. Mom was tougher than even I thought when I was going to the ER for what might seem more like a hangnail than anything serious.. But they asked if I knew about the images from last year I had told them no.. Why would they, I was in for BP issues and this seemed unrelated.. Why they had taken me in for the images was that I think they thought there was something else, they couldn't get my BP to regulate the way they anted it to.. They did get control of that but I don't recall ever hearing them say anything about what the images showed, in fact up until then I had never seen those images at all.. well they showed me them and there were stones in there, bothe last year and now and that has just got to come out.. I ask is there anything that could be done without surgery me knowing surgery wouldn't be much fun at all and as well is there any way to avoid surgery?? Doctors have really only got one thing on their minds and really getting people healthy isn't as high on their list as you might think.. Keeping people kinda in a state of relying on having to come to them regular is..I know when I first went and saw the heart specialist when this all started on my BP that I felt like I was going almost weekly and hated that feeling because I felt like heres my dad all over again when he had heart issues.. And he would go see this guy and be there for hours and here I am going to this guy and I am in there for three hours minimum because he doesn't care about appointments times.. HE loses three hors as soon as he comes in the office.. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?? The images show gallstones so what can be done about them?? YANK THAT PUPPY OUT OF THERE.. No but what can be done to not do that?? You ask a doctor that and they seem so perplexed that you would even think of such a thing.. you want to keep that disease riddled thing?? yeah I really don't want it out right then.. This was Sunday, had it been any other day the surgeon might have been about to wrap up his day but would likely have done this procedure to pay for a few more rounds of golf.. Had this been any other day my gall bladder would be sitting at the bottom of a trash heap in the town there.. In fact my older brother had said get ready I bet they hold you over night and sure enough they were preparing to do just that.. But I am and hve a certain amount of stubborness inherited from a mom who was kind of the same way although she had medicaid and insurance to help guide her with what to do.. I wanted to get home to the computer and start he process of googling my way to health.. And That is what would happen. Getting out of the hospital and headed to my little brothers house..HE has had his Gallbladder out, and so had my older brother, and our dad as well so it seems inevitable that mine will be in a trash heep sometime soon but let me look at the ideas about how to eat my way to health.. It is a rough go of it.. Switching from a nearly 100% junk food diet, actually I was eating healthier than I thought as I looked at the food for fat content and it really wasn't the toast that I ate that morning that caused my issue.. It was just the right combination on that day..Like I said had this been any other day of the week they likely would have taken my gall bladder out and I would be talking about another et of problems right about now..
LEt's examine the gall bladder removal surgery AKA the lets just yank that puppy right out..Turns out with research from MR. or DR. Google depending on how you want to address it, that having your gallbladder taken out while a very easy procedure can result in a whole new set of problems including the inability to eat what got the damn thing taken out in the first place.. Although they don't mention this in the pitch to yank it out there are side effects to having it be removed of which as I look at both of my brothers gaining weight seems to be something you have to do..I had heard that on some videos the bile that is produced by the liver and which the gallbladder stores and eventually uses has to still go somewhere, that flow doesn't stop ever, and it is rerouted into the small intestine so it is constantly there, and can burn or cause a burning sensation therein and the best thing to do is to keep eating.. Don't stop eating..My older brother is a diabetic and my little brother could easily be on his way as well being fairly overweight right now.. Is that a cause of having the gallbladder removed?? no, or maybe not.. Having t to eat quite a bit to keep that burning sensation from occurring might be have no idea and I really think doctors do know but don't tell.. They want you to be comfortable right now, they really aren't in the business of making people take care of themselves to health they are wanting you to be dependant on them to help you.. I don't want that.. I wished I could have seen the nuticianist for this.. Highly unlikely they even have someone who would rather you eat your way to health.. but I get on Google and search for foods to eat to stop gallbladder attacks and soon figure out what those are and as I said I feel so much better and hopefully things will remain this way..
Sometimes I think that the worst Thing that Americans have is the wealth that we do.. Except for me, I have no health insurance and that was a HUGE point to make my mind up on the surgery.. The pain from the surgery didn't bother me.. The after effects the diareha wasn't what bothered me..It was that $22.000 price tag was what I was really looking at.. twenty two thousand green backs.. But listen it was only going to cost six hundred dollars a month.. sure... Everyone has that floating around.. money is motivator in all things in this country... If I was in Canada it might cost cost but nickles on the dollar and Europe it might be pennies on the dollar.. They gave me antibiotics that turn your shit orange.. And still five days after stopping them I still shit orange.. Guess that's still good.. I don't know.. Will I ever have my gallbladder out?? My goal is to the day I die and they cremate me I still have everything I was born with.. I mean what i have left..
The moral of the story?? well I guess mourning eating isn't a good thing.. I was watching my weight even while I wasn't eating very well.. I never weighed more than 175 and never less than 167.. What I really have learned is to look at the labels big time.. I spent a good chunk of my day recently looking at the labels of not only the foods at the store but here at the house..I think 95% of the food I had before this all started could all be flushed.. I can't have whole milk but was already converting over to low fat anyway.. finding foods I can eat has been a challenge what with living in a town that isn't very big on healthy eating to start with.. I looked at the Subway menu and there are like five items I can eat and only two are sandwiches.. I got one and it was such a pleasant surprise from eating what I make.. And then there is the temptation to eat something on the no non list.. I bought a little container of Oreo cookies.. I had read where a woman was trying to live with her gallbladder the way it was and what she ate.. she lost a lot of weight and was able to eat a Oreo cookie a day... I was thinking was this a full sized cookie or the thins or double stuff.. She eventually succumbed to having her gallbladder out but it turns out that wasn't her worst issue, she had many other issues healthwise but having her gall bladder out actually made things worse for her over time... So i will try to adhere to the new diet as best I can and expand as I feel like I can do.. By the way after eating yesterday I ate one of those little Oreo cookies from that cup of mini oreos.. It wasn't much and I chased it with a big glass of water.. I didn't feel any after effects.. I faught the law and the law won.. But in this case I pushed my luck and so far.............
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