Net me disc

There was  point not that long ago that I was getting discs sent in the mail and I think people still get them this way... It wasn't horrible way to get movies on disc..  Although my brother initially got them this way and then had me get them this way and it was really good to get them.. I never complained, although there was a set timing that if I didn't get them just right they got out of sync.. I would get them on Friday or Thursday and watch them over the weekend the three at a time setting, and so I would watch them on Friday night Saturday morning Saturday night or Saturday morning Saturday night Sunday morning..  and then send them back on Monday morning.. This was when we still had mail service during the day.. We now have three hours of mail service a day..  Yep, you heard that right, and this was before Trump shuts down the mail service completely which is forthcoming in the not too distant future, although there re those who don't believe this will happen.. It will and our mail service will be on par with the rest of the world, if you don't get on to email (which isn't much better) then you will be left out in the two cups and a piece of string world of communication..   But that's not what I'm here to rant about here today.. Netflix discs by mail were fun, and a fairly cheap way to get movies sent to the house.. However when the discs were cracked or messed up in any other way it made the sync of getting them here and out get messed up...  There were times discs would go missing, and if they got lost in transit either going or coming the ability to watch them in sync was gone..  I rarely had troubles with this.. They had distribution centers all over the country, and some would be on the east cost which could mean the discs would travel an extra day to get to their destination meaning they would be out of sync that way.. Some movies were only in far flung places like that and I never knew where the movies were coming from until they arrives and it stated on the envelope where they were shipped from..  I got to the point where every now and then I would ship the movies back two and three in the same envelope to get them to where I wanted them to go, then I would have my home site envelopes so that when I got one from a far flung place I could send it back to where I knew it would take the amount of time I wanted..  I would even print up where I wanted them to go and glue that on the envelope and get it there that way..  But after the discs started to come damaged very regularly which wasn't happening much in the early days but towards the end it was.. I hated that because while they were really good at sending replacement discs, it was a situation where the movies were out of sync and I really had an issue with that happening because to me I wasn't getting  my money's worth any more.. And towards the end of using Neflix mail services the discs were coming on average about one was dicked every week.. I gave it about three or four strikes and then decided to end the mail service after all we were now streaming netflix movies and tv shows and didn't see the need to go with the discs any more.. While they were sending discs that were not available on the streaming service, I decided it wasn't worth the hassle of getting the cracked crapout discs anymore.. That and my disc player was becoming more and more tempermental with getting the discs to play.. Time to abandon outdated technology.. 

Hard to believe I call it that, because it wasn't really that long ago that I got a dvd player..  I can still remember getting my firat dvd player although I didn't want it, my parents got me one.. A Necent or some off brand player, off brand it was but it did things that regular dvd players didn't do///  The one thing I needed was a way to play it on a regular tv, mine was an old tv, very analog, very old tv, and so I got a Rf modulator to play on channel 4 or 3..  HArd to believe I was the one they had to get this for..  But I didn't embrace new technology.. I was the last to get compact disc.. I was the last to get VHS (although beta was better, it was just not that popular)..  I hated to give up tapes, and in fact I would still rather have records but..  When it came time to flip the tapes over I hated to get up and flip them so I got a compact disc player for that reason mostly.. So now we have a streaming player, the latest newest technology, I embraced this technology.. I had to.. We went from discs to streaming netflix to streaming cable tv all in a matter of three years...  Seems like it was that it was actually a little more than that.. 


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